Saturday, April 9, 2011

overalls and our neighborhood deer.

Right out side of our apartment building is a huge field that Boise State owns and is planning to build a big track and field complex in it. In the meantime, it is used as a practice field for the Bronco football team (yes boys, I can watch Kellen Moore from my balcony), a massive goose tarmac and grazing land for our neighborhood herd of deer. There is a family of six deer that have taken up residence at the MK Nature Center in town and they're the most urban deer that I know. On any given day you will literally see them walking through people's front yards or crossing a street downtown, but every morning they can be found in the field outside our apartment, grazing.

Here are five of the six of them hanging out this morning - two of them were babies last summer and we've gotten to watch them grow up!

Alma is grown out of the majority of her newborn clothes (and it's about time since she'll be two months old next week!) and while I was trying to figure which of her clothes fit her now, I realized that she (kind of) fits into these awesome overalls! Granted, they have to be rolled up but they're still pretty rad. You can't see it from the picture, but they have a tiny moose embroidered on the bib and it says "baby moose" below it. I love them.

Alma says, "Pardon my huge, mostly bald head. It's very hard to hold it up."

I realize that this picture is very fuzzy, but this is what she does every morning when she wakes up and we un-swaddle her. Raise 'em and praise 'em!

And lastly, I tried to upload a video but that apparently exceeds the Rachel-internet-savvy capacity. So instead you have to look at a picture of me cooking dinner and that chaos that ensues in our kitchen when that happens.


  1. Love the deer family, that is so sweet! And the baby, too, of course :-)

  2. i love overalls! i think alma and i will get along quite nicely in that (and hopefully many other) regard(s). she is such a beautiful thing, i love seeing how her features become defined as she moves out of itty bitty infancy. she seems to really be rolling with your great pace of life, i love how she just chills while you cook and sew.
