Thursday, April 14, 2011

take THAT, stairmaster!

Yesterday I did four loads of laundry, and since I did this while wearing Alma in the carrier I was only able to carry one load down to the laundry room at a time. I was also only able to carry one load UP at a time. And with the amount of stairs one has to climb to go from our basement level laundry room to our third floor apartment, I figured out that I climbed 720 stairs yesterday, just doing laundry! No wonder my legs are akin to that of a supermodel.

Today we're moving on to diaper laundry. Fortunately this only takes one load. Whew.

Alma is officially two months old today! She went for her two month check up on Monday and passed with flying colors. She has gained three pounds since she was born! This puts her in the 75th percentile for height and the 15th for weight... what a little string bean.

She kind of freaked out all of Monday night in response to her immunizations so I decided to take a bath with her in order to calm her down. I mean, this kid loves baths. All was going well until she got so relaxed that she pooped all over me. I have never had to take a shower in order to recover from a bath until that incident. Gross baby.

No new pics. Sorry. But don't worry - she still looks pretty much the same as she did in the pictures from the last post. Except for her new mustache. Just kidding.

And I apologize for the proliferation of run-on sentences in this post. I type how I speak. Grammatically incorrect.


  1. parenthood seems so delightfully gross :) at least she is helping you tone your post-partum body.

    happy 2 months to alma!

  2. I laughed out loud when you said she pooped on you! Awesome.
